Highest recommendation from a lifelong fan of The Dark Crystal. If you live in the actual real world, and are receptive and aware of what besets it and challenges us as our climate dissolves and our communities implode, then you will find a deep and lifelong love in this story and its characters. Every review you are likely to find out there says as much, aside from the mysterious, wordless two that at present count are weighing down this incredible work of imagination. On a technical as well as a story level, it takes an immense amount of bravery and focus to achieve what they have achieved with this series. If you're seeing uncanny visuals, check your TV's Motion Smoothing and turn it almost all down. CG was used only for backgrounds and stray items.

Interviews reveal that 95% of what you see on screen is flesh-and-blood classic puppetry.
#The dark crystal watch series#
CG was used only for This series has fulfilled and gone beyond my wildest hopes for the story, both incorporating and evolving themes that have been there since The Dark Crystal in its original form.

This series has fulfilled and gone beyond my wildest hopes for the story, both incorporating and evolving themes that have been there since The Dark Crystal in its original form. They simply don't make 'em like this any more. Would give this piece of art an 11 if I could. The voice cast is absolutely stellar - no matter where you live (Germany here, the dubbing is OK but simply can't hold water to Sigourney Weaver, Mark Hamill, Jason Isaacs, Simon Peg, Natalie Emanuel and all the others!), try watching it in the original English version. Unlike in many other Netflix shows, none of the 10 Episodes ever feels superfluous, or too long, or like uninspired filler material - you simple never get enough from the world and peoples of Thra. And the way the story and world-building weave themselves slowly into the lore of the 37-year old film is absolutely perfect.
#The dark crystal watch movie#
This is an old-fashioned, hand-crafted movie in the best possible sense. The attention to detail, the creativity and sheer love put into every scene is something I haven't seen in a long time.

Some 12 hours and 10 episodes later (with only the most minor breaks), I'm still blown away. So we planned to watch the first few episodes on the weekend and see how they live up to the movie.
#The dark crystal watch tv#
Was sceptical about a prequel TV series until I read that Jim Henson's Daughter is actually producing and Brian Froud is still on board for the world design. So we planned to watch the first few episodes I watched the original movie in '82 when I was 13 years old, and was a fan ever since. I watched the original movie in '82 when I was 13 years old, and was a fan ever since.